When Working With The Lifting And Sliding Parking Equipment, There Should Be An Exchange Parking Space, That Is, An Empty Parking Space

When working with the lifting and Sliding parking equipment, there should be an exchange parking space, that is, an empty parking space. Therefore, the calculation of the effective parking quantity is not a simple superposition of the number of parking spaces on the ground and the number of floors. Generally, a larger garage is divided into several units, and a unit can only be stored and retrieved by one person after the other, not two or more people at the same time. Therefore, if the unit is too large, the efficiency of storage and retrieval will be reduced; if the unit is too small, the number of parking spaces will be reduced and the land utilization rate will be reduced. According to experience, one unit is responsible for 5 to 16 vehicles.

Selection points

1 Lifting and Sliding mechanical parking equipment should be provided with emergency stop switches to prevent over-limit operation devices, vehicle length, width, and high limit devices, vehicle blocking devices, accidental detection of people and vehicles, and detection of the position of the car on the pallet, pallet prevention device, warning device, etc.

2 The indoor environment equipped with mechanical parking equipment shall be provided with good ventilation and ventilation devices.

3 The environment where mechanical parking equipment is installed shall have good lighting and emergency lighting.

4 In order to ensure that no water is accumulated inside and below the parking equipment, complete and effective drainage facilities should be provided.

5 The environment equipped with mechanical parking equipment shall meet the local fire protection requirements..

6 Excluding other external noise interference, the noise generated by parking equipment should not be greater than the local standards.

7 JB / T8713-1998 stipulates that the storage capacity of a single set of lifting and Sliding parking equipment is 3 to 43 according to the principles of economic rationality and easy use.

8 The height of the entrances and exits of mechanical parking equipment should generally not be less than 1800mm.And the width of the aisle should be increased by more than 500mm on the basis of the width of suitable parking vehicles.

Post time: Mar-07-2023